But the divisions into small states are favourable to learning, by stopping the progress of
authority as well as that of power. Reputation is often as great a fascination upon men as
sovereignty, and is equally destructive to the freedom of thought and examination. But where a
number of neighbouring states have a great intercourse of arts and commerce, their mutual
jealousy keeps them from receiving too lightly the law from each other, in matters of taste and of
reasoning, and makes them examine every work of art with the greatest care and accuracy. The
contagion of popular opinion spreads not so easily from one place to another. It readily receives
a check in some state or other, where it concurs not with the prevailing prejudices. And nothing
but nature and reason, or, at least, what bears them a strong resemblance,d can force its way
through all obstacles, and unite the most rival nations into an esteem and admiration of it.
But the divisions into small states are favourable to learning, by stopping the progress ofauthority as well as that of power. Reputation is often as great a fascination upon men assovereignty, and is equally destructive to the freedom of thought and examination. But where anumber of neighbouring states have a great intercourse of arts and commerce, their mutualjealousy keeps them from receiving too lightly the law from each other, in matters of taste and ofreasoning, and makes them examine every work of art with the greatest care and accuracy. Thecontagion of popular opinion spreads not so easily from one place to another. It readily receivesa check in some state or other, where it concurs not with the prevailing prejudices. And nothingbut nature and reason, or, at least, what bears them a strong resemblance,d can force its waythrough all obstacles, and unite the most rival nations into an esteem and admiration of it.I.XIV.19
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