Do you have any games to play?"
"Games? Ah yes! I have one that I play with my viewers in private shows."
"Is it different than the ones in public shows?" I keyed to her.
"Yes, of course. Otherwise these won't feel special."
Ah yes, a game that I haven't seen before. It was exciting to think that I would see something that she hasn't done yet. Even more so that I was recording this, so I would be able to view it whenever I wanted should I choose to play.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's a guessing game, hold on, let me get the item."
Yoona made her way to the closet and brought back a pouch of some sorts. When she shook it, there was some clanging noise that came out from it. Reaching in, she took out a small item: a glass marble whose diameter was a little above half an inch.
"This is what we'll be doing. I'll be stuffing these marbles in my pussy but before I do, you have to guess how many I can fit before one falls out."
"Okay, so I just type a number?"
"It's played with credits silly!" She let out a small giggle.
"Oh I see, so what's the rate?" I said, catching on quickly.
"It's 10 credits per marble. So if you tip 50, that means you have a guess of 5, if you tip 100, then a guess of 10 and so on." She explained.
"Okay makes sense. But wouldn't you be able to see what I tipped before hand?"
"Yeah normally, but if you decide you want to play this, I'll blindfold myself and start when I hear the tip sound."
"Ah, that works. So what do I get if I guess correctly?"
"If you get it right, I'll cum for you using these as toys! But if you don't, then you lose your credits. But at least you get to see me stuff my pussy with marbles!"
"That's true. But it seems a bit difficult. How many can you normally fit?"
"Good question wai Oppa! A lot of people don't even ask. Usually my minimum is 10 before some of them start slipping out. But with how wet I get sometimes, it's hard. I've never reached 20 before though."
So what it comes down to it, tipping between 10 to 20 marbles' worth of credits will give me the highest chance of winning. At the minimum, I'll get to see a little show, but she won't cum for me. It doesn't sound like too bad of a deal, if only to see the novelty of it.
"Oh, I forgot to say, if you get within one then you win too! So if you tip 120 credits and I fit 11, then you guessed correctly! But you only get one try."
The odds seem a little more in my favor now. I can choose to play or if I want to see something else, I can forget this altogether. I have 1825 credits remaining.