It's a nonsense is very commonly said.
“It’s a nonsense, an absolute nonsense,” Lewis told Ospreys officials on the sideline.
A quote from The Times [quality UK newspaper] on 25 Jan 2010.
This isn't the case. It's a nonsense. The reality is that Britain has no control over its agricultural policy and has had no control for the better part of two decades.
Comment from a reader in The Guardian [another UK quality] on 21 July 2010.
"...., so that's disappearing as it should because it's a nonsense,"
Said on 16 July 2010 by Julia Gillard, the current Prime Minister of Australia. Originally from Wales, but living in Australia since she was 5. Quoted in The Australian [an Australian quality newspaper]
The wife of a British MP said in court, when asked whether her husband had accepted large amounts of cash: “I empty his pockets of change every night. He would not have known what to do with it. It’s a nonsense.”
And it's good enough for judges to say.
Judge Michael Murphy told Sheffield Crown Court that it was "a nonsense" to claim the drug was not addictive.
from The Daily Telegraph, 15 Feb 2008.
Bibo, ergo sum.