The convert heat into electrical energy.
A tool that can convert heat into electricity is a thermocouple principle of it relies on changes in electrical properties of voltage. Classified as active transducer can generate voltage when the temperature changes between two points. Without the need to stimulate the supply of external energy. The device is sensitive to changes of temperature. Can be used directly in the form of instrumentation (instrument) or signaling. The browser is equipped with transponders (transducer) or sensor (sensor) temperature measurement (temperature).
At present, we are not able to convert heat directly into electricity. "efficiently"
The energy is used directly to power a small number of the thermocouple.
The Heat acquired other forms. We also need to transform mechanical energy as before.
After that gradually changed into electromagnetic energy, such as nuclear power plants. Principle is
Heat from the nuclear liquid to boil, then pour over pressure turbine to the generator.
Thermocouple have work to do. Even today, it remains the only device temperature. We can apply the principle of it. The downside of the thermocouple input is entered, but many have little output. A large temperature difference will have more energy. It will be cold from the cold. Must be from the substance or cooling. This process can be complicated and costly. I'm interested by liquid nitrogen It has a very low boiling point of -196. If it reacts with other substances may be at a lower temperature. The higher the temperature, it is very simple. In general, the air temperature is 30 ℃. The air temperature during the summer M.nor more than 40 high surpassed. If we can remove and install the M.nor it could have enormous power used.