Formal and informal authorities are two constructs of authority contained in the organization that affect the use
of MAIS by managers in managing the company (Cyert & March, 1963). Formal authority comes from
consciousness by deliberately the legality of the decision and informal authority derived from the power of
individuals within an organization (Barnard in Cyert and March, 1963). Since the characteristics of MAISis used to
control the behaviour of managers and useful decision makings, the system must be designed using the formal and
informal authority (Chenhall & Moris, 1986; Bouwens & Abernethy, 2000).
The business strategy applied in each company will need relevant information within the company(Abernathy
& Guthire, 1994). Therefore alleged business strategy will affect the characteristics of MAIS. Miles and Snow
(1978) suggest there are four typologies of business strategy that a firm can use, they are prospector, defender,
analyser, and reactor. Every strategy needs different characteristics of MAIS. Abernethy and Guthrie (1994)
provide evidence that the characteristics of broad-scope information have a more positive influence on the
performance of the prospector strategy company than in a defender strategy company. Simon (1987) found that in
companies which are adopting the build or prospector strategy will more emphasis on accounting information,
while Govindarajan and Gupta (1988) indicates that the emphasis of accounting information is lower in companies
that adopt prospector strategy. According to Lukito and Noegroho (2009) business strategy proved positive and
significant impact on MAIS that affect the performance of the manager while the uncertainty of the environmental
variable does not moderate the relationship of MAIS and the performance of manager. This is in contrast to the
research made by Gul and Chia (1991) but in line with research of Wahyu (1994). According to Govindarajan
(1986) the result study differences in previous studies due to factors conditional or contingency.
This study aims to examine and analyse the influence of the formal and informal structures of control authority,
and business strategy on the characteristics of MAIS.
Formal and informal authorities are two constructs of authority contained in the organization that affect the useof MAIS by managers in managing the company (Cyert & March, 1963). Formal authority comes fromconsciousness by deliberately the legality of the decision and informal authority derived from the power ofindividuals within an organization (Barnard in Cyert and March, 1963). Since the characteristics of MAISis used tocontrol the behaviour of managers and useful decision makings, the system must be designed using the formal andinformal authority (Chenhall & Moris, 1986; Bouwens & Abernethy, 2000).The business strategy applied in each company will need relevant information within the company(Abernathy& Guthire, 1994). Therefore alleged business strategy will affect the characteristics of MAIS. Miles and Snow(1978) suggest there are four typologies of business strategy that a firm can use, they are prospector, defender,analyser, and reactor. Every strategy needs different characteristics of MAIS. Abernethy and Guthrie (1994)provide evidence that the characteristics of broad-scope information have a more positive influence on theperformance of the prospector strategy company than in a defender strategy company. Simon (1987) found that incompanies which are adopting the build or prospector strategy will more emphasis on accounting information,while Govindarajan and Gupta (1988) indicates that the emphasis of accounting information is lower in companiesthat adopt prospector strategy. According to Lukito and Noegroho (2009) business strategy proved positive andsignificant impact on MAIS that affect the performance of the manager while the uncertainty of the environmentalvariable does not moderate the relationship of MAIS and the performance of manager. This is in contrast to theresearch made by Gul and Chia (1991) but in line with research of Wahyu (1994). According to Govindarajan(1986) the result study differences in previous studies due to factors conditional or contingency.This study aims to examine and analyse the influence of the formal and informal structures of control authority,and business strategy on the characteristics of MAIS.
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