Another trend is the emergence of more integrated platforms, as shown in Figure 5. Before the introduction of Apple's platform, there was no fully integrated mobile platform. Moreover, there was no platform with portal integration before the introduction of Google's platform. Symbian OS is an example of the trend towards integration since it started as a platform with no integration, before it was integrated by Nokia to become a device integrated platform and finally by launching OVI, it became fully integrated. RIM is also expected to soon become fully integrated with the introduction of its Application Center. Furthermore, with Microsoft moving towards portal integration there will be no major platform left without integration. Some scholars have also hinted that an intermediary could play an integrating role in the mobile development industry [3, 4, 10, 15]. The more surprising observation is the fact that mainly phone manufacturer companies and software development companies have played this integration role and not so much MNOs as was the intuition of most of these scholars.