In addition to the perceptions of the actual service delivered, expectations affect the judgment of service quality. Customer expectations are based on a customer’s knowledge and experiences. For example, on the basis of past experiences, customers have different expectations for the quality of service offered by different types of retailers. Customers expect a traditional supermarket to provide convenient parking, be open from early morning to late evening, have a wide variety of fresh and packaged food that can be located easily, display products, and offer fast checkout. They don’t expect the supermarket to have store employees stationed in the aisle to offer information about groceries or show them how to prepare meals. When these unexpected services are offered, and the services are important to them, then customers are delighted—the retailer has significantly exceeded their expectations. However, when the same customers shop in a specialty food store like Whole Foods Market, they expect the store to have knowledgeable salespeople who can provide expert information and courteous assistance.