There were few difference between the control (20 species) with modified 1 (22 species) and
modified 2 (19 species). Some species were found in every set of nets. For example shrimps such as
Banana prawn, Spear shrimp and Mantis shrimp, marketable group such as Sadinella, Gizzard shad, Jew
fish and Silver-biddy, the discards (bycatch) such as Ponyfish, Short-nosed tripodfish and Chinese filefish.
Totally comparison of catching by number, based on proportion of each size nets, it's obvious that there is
impact on catching of target species in both sizes of modified nets. The number of catching by modified
less than conventional type, especially 42mm net size is least. That means income of fisher missing. For
discards caught frequently ( Ponyfish, Short-nosed tripodfish, Chinese filefish and the other ) between
control and modified 1 have a few difference. But for modified 2, catch rate of fish is significantly higher
than that.(Figure 3)