A nursery experiment was carried out during 2011 - 2012 at Najaf, Iraq, to determine the
response of Marigold plant to organic fertilisers and their extracts. A factorial experiment
was conducted involving three factors (2x4x2) namely, type of compost (the extracts of
peat moss and sheep manure), concentrations of foliar application (0%, 20%, 40% and
60%), and the mixed in soil and foliar application. The results showed that the type of
organic fertiliser and the application method significantly affected vegetative growth (leaf
number/plant, shoot dry weight, leaf chlorophyll content, and carbohydrate leaf content),
flowers parameters (length of the flower stem, flower number/plant, and flower diameter).
This study showed that compared to the other fifteen treatment conditions, the application
of extract of sheep manure applied at 40% concentration and as a foliar spray produced
superior results on both vegetative growth and flower parameters.