Each year approximately
borns in the United States become clinically jaun- serum albumin concentration and those that affect diced. Many receive various forms of evaluation and the binding of bilirubin to albumin, the penetration treatment. Few issues in neonatal medicine have of bilirubin into the brain, and the vulnerability of generated such long-standing controversy as thebrain cells to the toxic effects of bilirubin. It is not possible adverse consequences of neonatal jaundice known at what bilirubin concentration or under and when to begin treatment. Questions regarding what circumstances significant risk of brain damage potentially detrimental neurologic effects from ele-occurs or when the riskof damage exceeds the risk of
vated serum bilirubin levels prompt continuing con- treatment. Concentrations considered harmful
cern and debate, particularly with regard to the man- vary in different ethnic groups or geographic loca- agement of the otherwise