The eagle was dead beyond the shadow of a doubt, the pebble had actually penetrated cleanly through the brain of the bird.
Looking at his “masterpiece”, looking at the corpse of the big eagle, Qing Shui did not know what species did this bird belonged to. He just felt that it had many similarities with the eagles from his previous world, the only difference was that this “eagle” was much larger in size than any eagles that existed in his previous world. If he was still the trash from before, he would surely have been the one eaten by this eagle today. Envisioning that outcome, where he had prevailed, he tightly clutched the remaining pebble in his hand and felt a tiny bit of elation in his heart.
Confidence originated from strength. This described Qing Shui perfectly. Looking towards the future with a heart full of hope, it was as if he could peer through the misty swirls of time and look into the future. He wanted a life blessed with happiness, and this became his objective.