say “yet another Ponzi” but I wanted to especially report this one since they are advertising everywhere, after warning users about Bitclub. Let’s enter again the fabulous world of those High Yield Investment Programs and their “unlimited profits”.
Coince is one of those well polished websites that inspire confidence. I mean see, there are nice videos, the design is good, there are even a certificate (of course it’s fake) ! Everything looks nice and is probably made by experienced scammers. But you can’t fool an old dog. Aside from Bitcoin, they accept those Russians payment systems that are used by every HYIP around : Payeer and Perfect Money. I don’t say that those payment systems are bad (I even used Payeer once) but since they are less strict on which people are using them as a payment checkout, it’s a giant red flag when a website is only accepting payments with it (aside from Bitcoin of course).
I’m also noticing the 2008-2016 copyright in the footer, while the scam launched in January 2016. It is to make people believe that they are around for a long time.
The affiliate program is obviously generous and multi-level (which is again, a red flag).
Oh and of course, it’s monitored by those “HYIP monitors” (used by people that want to surf the ponzi, to see if it’s still paying). Those kind of scam business can make money because people are investing in it, right ? Well I don’t mind if some gamblers try to make money with those programs (yes they pay for a while, like every ponzi) but what is absolutely infuriating is the fact that they’ll try to attract people that know nothing about it ! This is the real problem because I see their online advertisements everywhere, even on ! I just can’t let that go, new Bitcoin users thinking that the cryptocurrency is all about those weird programs to make money on the ignorance of people.
Do your Ponzi thing, but tell people that they might lose everything ! It could be a casino game. I wouldn’t have any problem with it.
Investing is always risky, but at least invest in legit businesses. A legit business will never promise you gigantic returns and usually you can easily understand where do the money come from. Obviously not from some kind of weird electricity wholesale with generators, no.
Here you are on the good side, I won’t make you rich, with 100% return in a year but at least you’ll learn and eventually take some good profits.