Types of health and safety
For details of each type of formal training course, refer to the next page.
There are many health and safety training courses available. As an employer, it is crucial that the 'training product' you buy suits your staff and your business.
Formal training
Types of formal training programs and courses
There are basically four types of health and safety training courses available:
• licence or certificate courses
• accredited and approved courses
• short courses
• vocational and professional courses
Arrangements for accrediting and approving OHS trainers and training courses are different in each State and Territory. Check with the OHS organisation in your State or Territory for specific information (see page 29 for contact details).
Who can provide training?
Most health and safety training is provided by:
• employer organisations
• unions
• the health and safety organisation in your State or Territory or the
Commonwealth sector
• TAFE colleges and universities
• private occupational health and safety consultants/trainers
Many employers send their supervisors to these organisations for training. Training can also be provided in-house by these organisations.