In the immediate post-procedure phase, patients
will usually be nursed on pressure-relieving beds.
Any signs of pressure areas should be recorded
and reported and appropriate pressure-relieving
aids initiated.
Initial mobilisation will usually be
supervised by physiotherapists, especially if
epidurals are still being used. Reduced physical
ability is common (Letterstål et al 2004),
whether from long-term vascular disease, acute
weakness or numbing from epidurals. Risk of
pressure ulcer development is high and skin
integrity should be assessed and documented
(Scott et al 2001).
Patient-specific care will follow from
individual assessment of needs. Specific needs
may have been identified pre-procedure. Health
promotion, such as smoking cessation and
providing information to patients and relevant
others, should be part of care. Many trusts
provide patient information leaflets, often both
pre and post-procedure.