INDIVIDUAL You must structure your own speech well. The first step is to have a clear idea of your own arguments and which examples you will be using to support those arguments. As you speak make a clear division between arguments and let the audience know when you are moving from one arguments to the next, this is called sign posting and is a very important debating tool. The key thing to remember is that although you know exactly what you are saying the audience has never heard it before and will only hear it once so you have to be very clear about it.
When you are presenting one particular argument make sure that the arguments is logical (makes sense) and that you make clear links between you team line and the arguments, and between the arguments and the examples that you will use to support it.
Rebuttal should be organised the same way. Attack each argument that the opposition presents in turn. Spend a little while on each and then move on the next. That way the other team’s case is completely demolished.
Also organise your speech well in terms of time. Adjudicators can pick up when you are waffling just to fill in time … and can see when you’ve spent too long on one point and then have to rush through all your other points and rebuttal just to finish your speech in time. Whew! You will probably make a few mistakes with this early on but practice makes perfect.