_________ 10. "Our group is meeting tonight to cook a Russian meal for an extra-credit project for social stud-ies. Join us."
_________ 11. "If anyone thinks they can beat me up, they are welcome to try it right now!" _________ 12. "Don't buy those cheap jeans—they look awful. If you don't have expensive jeans, you'll get talked about."
_________ 13. "I don't think you should go out with Brent. He's got a really bad reputation, and I know he's been in trouble with the police. I would worry about you."
_________ 14. "I know your parents don't want you to get a tattoo, but I know where you can get one really cheap. They'll never find out."
_________ 15. "We're collecting money to send to an orphanage in Haiti. We're trying to get 100% participa-tion for our class. Can you donate?"
_________ 16. "You can finish your homework later—we're all going to the movies tonight. Come on."
Skill 26: Reacting Appropriately to Peer Pressure