Globally, household income, consumption and wealth are regarded among the key determinants of well-being of
the citizens (Slesnick, 2000; Stiglitz, Sen, & Fitoussi, 2009; Gerstberger & Yaneva, 2013), and the level of
households economic behaviour plays a vital role in national macroeconomic determinants. The major economic
function of the households in a given country is that of consumption. Moreover, in the process of their income
generation and expenditure, households also indirectly play the role of income redistribution through payments of
income taxes and social contributions to governments (Hronova & Hindls, 2013), and donations to non-profit
IntroductionGlobally, household income, consumption and wealth are regarded among the key determinants of well-being ofthe citizens (Slesnick, 2000; Stiglitz, Sen, & Fitoussi, 2009; Gerstberger & Yaneva, 2013), and the level ofhouseholds economic behaviour plays a vital role in national macroeconomic determinants. The major economicfunction of the households in a given country is that of consumption. Moreover, in the process of their incomegeneration and expenditure, households also indirectly play the role of income redistribution through payments ofincome taxes and social contributions to governments (Hronova & Hindls, 2013), and donations to non-profitorganizations.
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