The results from LCA analysis on the case study are concluded into following four key points. Firstly, Figure 4 presents the single score of the two mentioned scenarios in terms of material consumption, transportation, energy consumption during the usage life cycle stage and the total single score for the entire life cycles. As it can be seen, the total single score results show that the rental service contributes 25% less environmental impacts than the traditional selling product. This was due to the significantly high environmental impacts from the material consumption of the traditional selling product which is 43.07% higher than the material consumption by the rental service scenario with the figure of 78.78 points.
Secondly, the environmental impacts of the transportation for the rental service as shown in Figure 4 produces 49.47 points whilst, the traditional selling product scenario generates only 1.29 points. This result shows although, the rental service with the reconditioning gains the environmental benefit from the material reduction as discussed previously; but its environmental impacts from the transportation are significantly high.
Thirdly, Figure 5 illustrates the environmental impacts of transportation in the rental service with reconditioning scenario. It can be clearly seen that the transportation during the rental period has the largest environmental impacts of 31.43 points. The second highest contribution was the 17.29 points of the copier shipment from the USA to Thailand. Moreover, 0.42 points of the environmental impacts of transportation during the first life cycle at USA is substantially less that the rental service in Thailand which has a figure of 31.43 points. Therefore, the substantial amount of the environmental impacts for the rental service scenario was found from the transportation activities during the rental period in Thailand. This was due to the increasing of the transportation involved in the preventive and corrective maintenance during the rental service.