The Goddess is, truly, all things. She’s all power, all wisdom, all love, all fer-
tility, all creativity; the nurturing as well as destructive force X/ho created
our universe and Who shapes our lives.
This may be your concept of the Goddess: She X/ho Is All. Even so,
y0u’ll probably need to determine Her symbols and some of Her specific
manifestations to adequately connect with Her. In other words, you’ll have
to discover Her private telephone number; Her personal portrait of power
which, through ritual, will facilitate communication.
(The below list is merely a short catalog of a few of the Goddess’ attrib~
utes. Please understand that these are aspects of the same being, The God»
dess, and is far from a complete listing.)
Here are some clues to determining Her nature:
0 Gocdess of outer space.
Gocc ess of the stars.
Goccess of galaxies.
Godcess of the Universe.
9 Goc cess of the Moon.
Gocc ess of the X/axing Moon.
Gocdess of the Full Moon.
Goddess of the Waning Moon.
0 Goccess of the Earth.
Goccess of earth fertility and of plants.
Goc cess of the animals.
Goc dess of storms, earthquakes, volcanic activity.
Goddess of gentle rain, wells, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
0 Goccess of freshness, renewal, beginnings, promise and potential.