5.4 Sampling Technique
In the present study, caregivers of colostomy patient were
selected by investigator was non probability convenient
sampling technique.
Inclusion Criteria
1. The caregivers of colostomy patient with.
2. The caregivers above the age of 18 years were included.
The caregivers who are willing to participate in the
3. The caregivers those who could easily read and
understand Marathi, English and Hindi were included in
the study.
Exclusion Criteria
1. Caregivers who are not willing to participated in this
2. Caregivers who are having medical education.
3. Caregivers of colostomy patient with illeostomy were
4. Caregivers of critically ill patients were not included.
5. Caregivers of age less than 18 years and more than 60
years were excluded.
5.5 Data Collection Tool