At present, our world is rapidly changing temperatures. From the normal temperature become higher temperatures. It is caused by several factors .This issue is extremely important to the world. Global warming refers to an average temperature of the air on the rise which greatly affects humans.
Global warming is caused by many reasons .One reason is the nature naturally, it is the cause of global warming. The status of many such example rest fires that cause pollution to the atmosphere. The effects of global warming are too many to be described. It cannot be described in words. Its effect is very devastating and destructive. Its effect is a dangerous threat to human existence and to animal and plant lives.
In brief, there are many reasons to make global warming. The first reason is the nature. Because the nature is make pollution to the atmosphere. Therefore, the nature is a cause of increase of pollution to make global warming. And the second reason is human. Human is the main reason to make global warming because of human threats to nature. They make nature to deteriorate. It makes pollution to the atmosphere. Therefore, the human is a cause of increase of pollution to make global warming.