4.2.4 The final volume may be slightly over-estimated to ensure that the minimum counts
required are met. The preliminary count also helps to ensure that there is enough sample
for both final investigations.
5.0 Sample Analyses
Samples are analyzed by data set, and a QC count is chosen for 10% of the samples in each set.
The QC is chosen by the Team Leader who takes into account the 10 mL preliminary data and the
diatom counts, if available.
5.1 Soft Algae Sample Analysis
Organisms are identified to the lowest taxonomic rank possible. Characteristics such as size,
shape, color and the presence of flagella are used in the identification process. Any obscure or
unidentifiable organisms are checked by the Team Leader or one other analyst. Drawings are
made of the organism, complete with all sample identifiers (i.e. LAB and CRL numbers, Station
number, Survey number, and analyst's initials). The drawing is then added to the permanent card
file in the lab, and may also be sent out to other specialists for identification or verification. The
card file is reviewed frequently and any additional information is added as received.
5.1.1 Apparatus Inverted microscope with an objective system for magnification up to 600x (Leitz
Diavert or another equal quality inverted microscope) Tubular plankton chamber or combined plate chamber 10 cc. Cover plate for plankton chamber, 33 mm dia., 2 mm thick Base plate for plankton chamber, 27.5 mm dia., 0.2 mm thick 10 mL automacropipette Syringe 20 mL with cannula, 14 gauge 4 inch Long-neck disposable pipettes Rubber bulbs for pipettes
5.1.2 Analytical procedures Sample Sedimentation
The phytoplankton sample is mixed by gently inverting the sample bottle for
60 seconds. The predetermined sample volume (see Section 3.0) is loaded into a
sedimentation chamber of appropriate volume. Samples should be added to the
4.2.4 The final volume may be slightly over-estimated to ensure that the minimum countsrequired are met. The preliminary count also helps to ensure that there is enough samplefor both final investigations.5.0 Sample AnalysesSamples are analyzed by data set, and a QC count is chosen for 10% of the samples in each set.The QC is chosen by the Team Leader who takes into account the 10 mL preliminary data and thediatom counts, if available.5.1 Soft Algae Sample AnalysisOrganisms are identified to the lowest taxonomic rank possible. Characteristics such as size,shape, color and the presence of flagella are used in the identification process. Any obscure orunidentifiable organisms are checked by the Team Leader or one other analyst. Drawings aremade of the organism, complete with all sample identifiers (i.e. LAB and CRL numbers, Stationnumber, Survey number, and analyst's initials). The drawing is then added to the permanent cardfile in the lab, and may also be sent out to other specialists for identification or verification. Thecard file is reviewed frequently and any additional information is added as received.5.1.1 Apparatus5.1.1.1 Inverted microscope with an objective system for magnification up to 600x (LeitzDiavert or another equal quality inverted microscope) Tubular plankton chamber or combined plate chamber 10 cc. Cover plate for plankton chamber, 33 mm dia., 2 mm thick5.1.1.4 Base plate for plankton chamber, 27.5 mm dia., 0.2 mm thick 10 mL automacropipette Syringe 20 mL with cannula, 14 gauge 4 inch Long-neck disposable pipettes Rubber bulbs for pipettes
5.1.2 Analytical procedures Sample Sedimentation
The phytoplankton sample is mixed by gently inverting the sample bottle for
60 seconds. The predetermined sample volume (see Section 3.0) is loaded into a
sedimentation chamber of appropriate volume. Samples should be added to the
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