Therefore, unlike microorganisms, the evolutionary
process did not selectively pressure plants to develop the
capacity to degrade chemically recalcitrant molecules, leading to a
much more limited spectrum of chemical structures they are able to
metabolize; ii) to avoid build-up and potential toxicity to sensitive
organelles, plant metabolism of organic molecules (other than
photosynthates) consists of general transformations to more water soluble
forms and sequestration processes. By contrast, microbial
metabolism often concludes with the organics being converted into
CO2, water and cellular biomass
Therefore, unlike microorganisms, the evolutionaryprocess did not selectively pressure plants to develop thecapacity to degrade chemically recalcitrant molecules, leading to amuch more limited spectrum of chemical structures they are able tometabolize; ii) to avoid build-up and potential toxicity to sensitiveorganelles, plant metabolism of organic molecules (other thanphotosynthates) consists of general transformations to more water solubleforms and sequestration processes. By contrast, microbialmetabolism often concludes with the organics being converted intoCO2, water and cellular biomass
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