2.2. Plantation
Young plants of Canna and Phragmites australis were planted at
the beginning of winter of 2009, while Cyprus papyrus was planted
in October 2010. The bed was divided into four sections; only
three sections were planted with the three kinds of plants. The
plants were fixed in the bed at a density of four rhizomes per
square meter. At the beginning of spring 2011 Canna and P. australis were harvested, while Cyprus was kept as is since it was so
small to be harvested at that time. The plants were cropped approximately 10 cm from the gravel surface. All the harvested plants
were weighed on site. Wet:dry weight ratio was used to estimate
the biomass. The harvested biomass was collected and weighted
and the water content was calculated as well as the concentration
of nutrients. One day prior harvesting, representative samples in
one square meter were analyzed for dry weight and nutrients contents in both Canna and Phragmites plants. However, only nutrients
measurement was carried out in Cyprus.
2.3. Sampling
Wastewater samples were collected on weekly basis from the
inlet and outlet of the bed. Also, different parts of the plants were
collected on monthly basis for analysis. The samples were collected
and analyzed for duration of almost two years.
2.4. Physico-chemical and biological analysis
Physico-chemical and biological analyses were carried out for
raw, treated wastewater and harvested biomass. The biological parameters covered total coliforms, Escherichia coli and fecal
coliforms. All the analysis otherwise specified, were carried out
according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and