To begin, we shall look at the actual waste situations in these 4 countries; the amount of waste
generated, collection efficiency, disposal methods employed and the recycled rate being
From the table shown underneath, the volume of waste generated in cities of Lao PDR. are still
little compared to the other cities. However, waste problems are more recognized as there is no
proper method to reduce, collect and dispose those wastes generated (Vientiane Times, May 3-
9, 1996). Meanwhile the volume of waste generated in Lao PDR. and other neighboring
countries are increasing rapidly along with the growth of population, economy and tourism
business. In 1998, every day 37,000 tons of waste was generated in Thailand (PCD, 1999).
More of new types of waste have been generated from new production, marketing and
consuming processes, i.e. packaging wastes.
Furthermore, collection efficiency in the selected cities is also not satisfactory. The left over
wastes on the streets, at the collection points and any other open spaces cause dangers to the
people and the environment. In Chiang Mai, the waste crisis occurred few years' back had
caused a big loss to the tourism and related business. It also created conflicts between
residents, NGO, civic groups and the municipality, which resulted in a change of new officers
during the following election (Khokphol, 1998).