Ultimately, Galileo’s telescope struck a fatal blow
to the Ptolemaic system. But, in a sense, the telescope
was also nearly fatal to Galileo himself. The Catholic
Church, desperately trying to hold the Protestant heresy
at bay, could not accept a scientific assault on its
own theories of the universe. The pressures of the age
set in motion a historic confrontation between religion
and science, one which would culminate in 1633 when
the church put Galileo on trial, forced him to recant
his stated and published scientific beliefs, and put him
under permanent house arrest.
Ultimately, Galileo’s telescope struck a fatal blowto the Ptolemaic system. But, in a sense, the telescopewas also nearly fatal to Galileo himself. The CatholicChurch, desperately trying to hold the Protestant heresyat bay, could not accept a scientific assault on itsown theories of the universe. The pressures of the ageset in motion a historic confrontation between religionand science, one which would culminate in 1633 whenthe church put Galileo on trial, forced him to recanthis stated and published scientific beliefs, and put himunder permanent house arrest.
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