My beloved wife, the question of what to think, in the question of whether your friend will help you to work on Monday, I have answered you! Apparently you're not sure about yourself and you do not believe me too! You yourself have written to me and said that you then have more time to devote yourself to me and the new company can start as soon as possible! I'll be back next week to Hat Yai!
In the beginning I told you, the best, it would be if your girlfriend can begin at the new location, so your girlfriend, not your family and this disturbs, no evil or no good conversations will notice each other! It hurts your reputation that your parents give you no sufficient confidence to be your and our future, happy and successful!
It makes me very sad! I am convinced about you and also to your love I have no doubt!
In any case, I will always support you!
I really would ask you, finally you determine what you really want and your insecurity, representing me, so that I can assist in your inquiries you further.
I also think that you can with the help of your friend, done faster your work and write invoices to your business can and you also get money for the work: Of course, I realized that the payments that you get in far can not be intended to cover! I'm ready also to assist you and will pay the salary of your girlfriend too!
I hope that you do not just believe me, what is already good and nice, but I hope you see and get with that I work a lot and make plans that can be implemented! I am not come to you without you really shows a lot and organized and I'm in the process, to realize everything! Our application to the wedding and the 2 detached houses for rent, I have the contract, unless modified, that we can sign quickly and can live and work in the new company! I spend time, my skills and even money, which was not a lot but certainly is nothing that you just moved to faith that good is made by me! I am convinced of you Nichapa! I hope you're convinced by me!