his supplement really delivers. My metabolism has been sluggish for quite sometime, years. I put it on faster than I can take it off. No matter what I did to take the weight off..... It came off so slow. Or I would lose a few and then nothing. I have been taking this sup for the last four days and my weight is dropping at an average of 1 lb. a day. I weigh myself every morning. I am continuing to not eat anything for 12 hours after last meal of the day just as before starting them and I walk around the track when I can. But like I said, prior to starting these my weight was steadily climbing or if I ate at night I would have gained by the next day. As of last month my weight had gotten to an all time high 212 lbs. Before starting on the KLB6.....I managed to lose 4 lbs. but that is where it stayed, down to 204 lbs as of today. I am beginning to think maybe my thyroid may have been my problem. I have read that Kelp is good at regulating the thyroid.