Lakes are a beauty of nature and are much used for sport and recreation. They also provide a good source of water. Lakes have many different origins. Sometimes a valley is blocked by lava flows or landslides; or the ice of a former age has gouged out a basin; or earth movements or extinct volcanic craters have provided the necessary foundation.
Finland is famous for its many lakes, all of which have originated because of the action of ice. The Great Lakes of North America began in the same way, although these occupy far older valleys.
In East Africa a number of lakes, Tanganyika and Malawi among them, occupy a rift in the earth's crust.
The famous Crater Lake in Oregon in the United States is the best-known example of a lake situated in the crater of a volcano (Mount Mazama). Lakes gradually become filled in with sediment, or a change of climate may cause the death of a lake. Great Salt Lake in Utah in the United States is all that remains of the once enormous Lake Bonneville.
The story tells us about _________ .
all lakes in the world
lakes in America
the best-known lakes of the world
lakes and their origins
Record your answer