A biennial plant Underground rhizomes Shell fawn Meat in a creamy fragrant. Shoot or stab up a clump consisting of artificial stem or leaf sheath cover overlapping leaves a single species. The alternate, in two rows. Leaves lanceolate glasses, 1.5 - 2 cm long. 12-20 cm. Behind the wrap rail end cap is pointed out. Second base is narrow and broad sheaths implants. This period between the sheath and the blade will bend the elbow as well as a bouquet of white flowers, the traditional mushroom or blackjack. Thrust up from the roots Rod holds up to 15 - 25 cm. Each flower with green leaf, red leaf parabolic wrapped up tight when I turn off the light. And will be open See later Petals and petals 3 each petal petals and absorb the loss. The inside and roll The petals flare out wide 6-rounded pollen with solid growth measured diameter of about 1 cm ginger warm effect. Drive away the cold sweat flatulence the appetite. And stay warm In drug use ginger. Because ginger is a spicy addition to a lot of fiber. The fresh rhizome grill until done. Pound mixed with water and lime juice drink. Or fresh rhizomes are eaten light cocooned anorexia.