chacun se voie et s’aime dans les autres, afin que tous en
soient mieux unis.
[But what then will be the objects of these entertainments?
What will be shown in them? Nothing, if you please. With
liberty, wherever abundance reigns, well-being also reigns.
Plant a stake crowned with flowers in the middle of a square;
gather the people together there, and you will have a festival.
Do better yet; let the spectators become an entertainment to
themselves; make them actors themselves; do it so that each
sees and loves himself in the others so that all will be better
Rousseau’s underlying, unstated argument would seem to
be this: A perfectly balanced reciprocity takes the sting out of
our dependence on opinion, and makes it compatible with
liberty. Complete reciprocity, along with the unity of purpose
that it makes possible, ensures that in following opinion
I am not in any way pulled outside myself. I am still
“obeying myself” as a member of this common project or
“general will.” Caring about esteem in this context is compatible
with freedom and social unity, because the society is
one in which all the virtuous will be esteemed equally and
for the same (right) reasons. In contrast, in a system of hierarchical
honor, we are in competition; one person’s glory
must be another’s shame, or at least obscurity. Our unity of
purpose is shattered, and in this context attempting to win
the favor of another, who by hypothesis has goals distinct
from mine, must be alienating. Paradoxically, the bad otherdependence
goes along with separation and isolation;25 the
chacun se voie et s’aime dans les autres, afin que tous ensoient mieux unis.[But what then will be the objects of these entertainments?What will be shown in them? Nothing, if you please. Withliberty, wherever abundance reigns, well-being also reigns.Plant a stake crowned with flowers in the middle of a square;gather the people together there, and you will have a festival.Do better yet; let the spectators become an entertainment tothemselves; make them actors themselves; do it so that eachsees and loves himself in the others so that all will be betterunited.]24Rousseau’s underlying, unstated argument would seem tobe this: A perfectly balanced reciprocity takes the sting out ofour dependence on opinion, and makes it compatible withliberty. Complete reciprocity, along with the unity of purposethat it makes possible, ensures that in following opinionI am not in any way pulled outside myself. I am still“obeying myself” as a member of this common project or“general will.” Caring about esteem in this context is compatiblewith freedom and social unity, because the society isone in which all the virtuous will be esteemed equally andfor the same (right) reasons. In contrast, in a system of hierarchicalhonor, we are in competition; one person’s glorymust be another’s shame, or at least obscurity. Our unity ofpurpose is shattered, and in this context attempting to winthe favor of another, who by hypothesis has goals distinctfrom mine, must be alienating. Paradoxically, the bad otherdependencegoes along with separation and isolation;25 the
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
chacun se voie et s’aime dans les autres, afin que tous en
soient mieux unis.
[But what then will be the objects of these entertainments?
What will be shown in them? Nothing, if you please. With
liberty, wherever abundance reigns, well-being also reigns.
Plant a stake crowned with flowers in the middle of a square;
gather the people together there, and you will have a festival.
Do better yet; let the spectators become an entertainment to
themselves; make them actors themselves; do it so that each
sees and loves himself in the others so that all will be better
Rousseau’s underlying, unstated argument would seem to
be this: A perfectly balanced reciprocity takes the sting out of
our dependence on opinion, and makes it compatible with
liberty. Complete reciprocity, along with the unity of purpose
that it makes possible, ensures that in following opinion
I am not in any way pulled outside myself. I am still
“obeying myself” as a member of this common project or
“general will.” Caring about esteem in this context is compatible
with freedom and social unity, because the society is
one in which all the virtuous will be esteemed equally and
for the same (right) reasons. In contrast, in a system of hierarchical
honor, we are in competition; one person’s glory
must be another’s shame, or at least obscurity. Our unity of
purpose is shattered, and in this context attempting to win
the favor of another, who by hypothesis has goals distinct
from mine, must be alienating. Paradoxically, the bad otherdependence
goes along with separation and isolation;25 the
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