Farm mechanization increases the effective utilization of machines to increase the productivity of land and labor. Besides it helps in reducing the drudgery, time and cost of cultivation in farm operations. In farm mechanization, the operations are divided into three i) Pre-harvesting operation ii) Harvesting operation iii) Post-harvesting operation. Pre-harvesting operation is the operation that done before harvesting which includes seed selection, land preparation, sowing, irrigation etc. Harvesting is the operation that harvests the fruit or the output from the particular plant. Postharvesting operation is done for mainly for consumption, storage or preservation and transportations, which generally includes husking, breaking, shelling, drying. Among these the husking of coconut is the most-difficult operation relevant to coconut.
The coconut palm (cocos nucifera) is found all over the globe, where it has mingled into the lives of the local people. It provides almost all the requirements of humans such as food, drink, fire woods, medicines, domestic utensils etc Because of these reasons, it has been called the “tree of heaven” and “tree of life” [15]. Coconut is native to coastal areas of Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and westward towards the coastal India, Sri Lanka, East Africa, and tropical islands such as Seychelles, Andaman and Mauritius. In these regions, the palms were able to establish