All Sections have to hand in Assignment #1: Introduction Video to your respective teacher in this week.
Also - please be reminded that Quiz #1 will be written in the beginning of your class next week. It will cover every thing we did so far, as well as some words from your first Vocabulary Lab: Airplane Travel.
Hi all Section 3 students.
Sorry to say that today I am feeling quite sick and won't be able to come to class today at 1:30pm. Thank-you to all students who sent me their Assignment 1 to Gmail and google drive, great job!
For any other students there will be a teacher in room 6206 at 1:30pm today to collect any other Assignment 1's if you have your assignment on USB etc.
I will post all the material you need for this week and extra info for Quiz 1 on LMS and FB over the weekend. Also I will be available all day Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon next week if anyone would like to come and talk about the lesson, assignment or quiz 1.
Thank-you for your understanding,
Aj. Patrick
All students can go and play the word shoot game (see link below). You have to read the word at the bottom, and then shoot the syllable in the color screen that will be stressed in that word. You can start as many times as you like. Have fun while preparing for Quiz #1.