In tandem with this expansion, Canon is now entering
the fifth and final year of Phase IV of its Excellent
Global Corporation Plan, which includes key goals
such as globalizing innovative technologies, enhancing
manufacturing processes, and fostering the next
generation of leaders. The company is also concentrating
on globalizing its sales structure. While emerging markets
are an important growth area, political turbulence in some
regions, as well as cooling economic activity in China,
present ongoing challenges.
The company has also enhanced its Canon Global
Services initiative, offering global enterprise clients highperformance
hardware as well as managed print services
featuring security authentication, usage reports and
specially tailored workflows. This initiative has already
begun to pay off with large new global business accounts,
including one with German automaker Volkswagen.
The IMF has scaled back its earlier global GDP estimates
for 2014. However, pointing to the recent robust performance
in the U.S. stock market, the ever-optimistic Mitarai has high
expectations that 2015 will usher in a stronger growth trend
for the global economy, as well as bring Japan’s faltering
economy onto more stable ground.
“Stock prices are always a sign of what’s to come, so I
have high hopes for 2015,” Mitarai says. “I can see some
light at the end of the tunnel.”
In tandem with this expansion, Canon is now enteringthe fifth and final year of Phase IV of its ExcellentGlobal Corporation Plan, which includes key goalssuch as globalizing innovative technologies, enhancingmanufacturing processes, and fostering the nextgeneration of leaders. The company is also concentratingon globalizing its sales structure. While emerging marketsare an important growth area, political turbulence in someregions, as well as cooling economic activity in China,present ongoing challenges.The company has also enhanced its Canon GlobalServices initiative, offering global enterprise clients highperformancehardware as well as managed print servicesfeaturing security authentication, usage reports andspecially tailored workflows. This initiative has alreadybegun to pay off with large new global business accounts,including one with German automaker Volkswagen.The IMF has scaled back its earlier global GDP estimatesfor 2014. However, pointing to the recent robust performancein the U.S. stock market, the ever-optimistic Mitarai has highexpectations that 2015 will usher in a stronger growth trendfor the global economy, as well as bring Japan’s falteringeconomy onto more stable ground.“Stock prices are always a sign of what’s to come, so Ihave high hopes for 2015,” Mitarai says. “I can see somelight at the end of the tunnel.”
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