Experimental animals
Ten pairs of L. rohita male (0.87 ± 0.05kg) and
female (1.36 ± 0.05 kg) broodstock were induced to
breed by injecting with Ovatide (Hemmo Pharma,
Mumbai) at the rate 0.3ml/kg for females and 0.2ml/
kg for males. Ovatide is a synthetic fish hormone, which
contains 20μg of Gonadorelin A (D Arg6 Pro-NHET9
Des-Gly10 sGnRH) and 10mg of domperidone/ml.
Subsequently, spawners were maintained in separate
breeding hapas or tanks and were taken out for stripping
after 12h. In natural conditions, Indian Major Carps
breed in rivers or enclosed water bodies. In our study,
the embryonic development of fertilized eggs was
monitored in laboratory conditions at different temperatures,
which necessitated stripping procedures. Eggs and
milt from all the broodstock were collected by gentle
stripping into clean and dry porcelain trays and pooled
together to ensure genetic variability. Pooled eggs and
milt were mixed gently by using a quill feather for
effective fertilization in each tray. Fertilized eggs were
water hardened by mixing with clean and well aerated
freshwater at ambient temperature (26 °C
Experimental animalsTen pairs of L. rohita male (0.87 ± 0.05kg) andfemale (1.36 ± 0.05 kg) broodstock were induced tobreed by injecting with Ovatide (Hemmo Pharma,Mumbai) at the rate 0.3ml/kg for females and 0.2ml/kg for males. Ovatide is a synthetic fish hormone, whichcontains 20μg of Gonadorelin A (D Arg6 Pro-NHET9Des-Gly10 sGnRH) and 10mg of domperidone/ml.Subsequently, spawners were maintained in separatebreeding hapas or tanks and were taken out for strippingafter 12h. In natural conditions, Indian Major Carpsbreed in rivers or enclosed water bodies. In our study,the embryonic development of fertilized eggs wasmonitored in laboratory conditions at different temperatures,which necessitated stripping procedures. Eggs andmilt from all the broodstock were collected by gentlestripping into clean and dry porcelain trays and pooledtogether to ensure genetic variability. Pooled eggs andmilt were mixed gently by using a quill feather foreffective fertilization in each tray. Fertilized eggs werewater hardened by mixing with clean and well aeratedfreshwater at ambient temperature (26 °C
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