Funeral practices and burial customs in the Philippines encompass a wide range of personal, cultural, and traditional beliefs and practices which Filipinos observe in relation to death, bereavement, and the proper honoring, interment, and remembrance of the dead. These practises have been vastly shaped by the variety of religions and cultures that entered the Philippines throughout its complex history.
Most present-day Filipinos, like their ancestors, believe in some form of an afterlife and give considerable attention to honouring the dead.[1] Except amongst Filipino Muslims (who are obliged to bury a corpse less than 24 hours after death), a wake is generally held from three days to a week.[2] Wakes in rural areas are usually held in the home, while in urban settings the dead is typically displayed in a funeral home. Apart from spreading the news about someone’s death verbally,[2] obituaries are also published in newspapers. Although the majority of the Filipino people are Christians,[3] they have retained some traditional indigenous beliefs concerning death.