just as the ethical nature of a manager's daily actions can be examined, too can that manager's approach to recording and reporting financial data. would agree that hospitality managers should follow any laws that regulate the reporting of financial Laws do not exist, however, to cover every situation that future of acceptable behavior, as to will encounter. Society's however, is always important responsible constantly changing. Ethical must be followed that individuals well as their organizations. There are interpretations made abo will manager's financial records are to be and if the text, you be ceived as As you continue through this financial data is managers may be with ethical choices about how that, in many instances, hospitality in your own career, you will likely find many they report and assess financial data. As well, own managerial decisions instances in which you are faced with ethical choices about your partially shapes It is important to understand that each management decision you make perceived to be and helps define the type of you as the type you are deceived its nearly all in which a financial officers have hav investors and owners, there have been instances where lapses in ethical judgments directly resulted in significant harm to the company's shareholders and employees. use the the following chapters, you will discover exactly how hospitality managers specif information you have already learned, new information(that you will learn) related ically to the hospitality industry, and their own personal skills to analyze their businesses using managerial accounting techniques for the hospitality industry. As you have seen, how r, the hospitality industry is very broad. As a result, some of those managerial accounting techniques that may be ofgreat interest to a hotel manager may be of much less interest, for example, to the manager of a carry-out pizza store. As authors of a managerial accounting text, it is important that we create a book that will serve the widest possible audience. Even so, we realize that the specific interests of a future hotel general manager will vary from that of a studentinterested, for example, in a career in college and university food services.