The rate of registration of marriage and divorce registration in the State of marriage condition (Nuptiality), including slow wedding (Delayed Marriage) based on the age of marriage เมื่ Europe ครั้ chali b p. The first four (Singulate Mean Age at First Marriage-SMAM) หรื not? ต่ & d tasks are likely to rise, including unmarried teenage girls on marriage and especially unmarried girls dominate the fixed (Permanent Celibacy) The unmarried woman's rule is to roast yonplae and saw that their prospective product ID. ngakhuen suites, especially women aged 20-34 years old, which is in the age of marriage and to have children, but I found that increasingly dominate the high is unmarried, from 22 percent in year-on-year increase in 2513 (1970) 33 percent higher in the year 254.3 it is also found that Thai women aged 50. Years, which is considered out of reproductive age, and continues to dominate the increase in unmarried than the 2.2 percent from may in the year of 4.6 percent in the year-2513 (1970) 2543 (2000) wedding trends from a slower and more unmarried women are of Thai. Direct result of the country's population, were very much because when women are unmarried, more. Meanwhile, it marriage slowly top up with yoprakop ด้ว children were – Ayon-make the country into a shortage of young workers in the future. Thus it is that the Government and the relevant authorities must face serious and we came together to solve the problem that danaeo check box. To prepare, with the society, but how well the elder