uh... i a festival mallthe director of the center for the national flag resource policy reflects your course bosnia's that was respectful enviro program pre-installed depression sauceand sunita issues
was just a couple of minutes put this in some sort of a context for you associates dot actually use
we face noble storage majorly wishes appointment by placing silence in the million maybe more but this is realour numbers means by which we chose the b_r_t_ exceeding that number planted
and isn't easy energy resources were needed we normally edwards when the evermore or words
extract oil and gas successful this will be there g more water shortages and alcohol in more ways than fail to other students at the heart of a member of water as we discussed increasing regarding your region or building more prisons were more interesting to the millions not happen yesterday more evidence kuzior wondered what banks over your pleasure angle heart-wrenching the mastodon
was amazing the whispering outside the oval office a little standing tradition that any use of
chemicals we drive a rental assistance please nevermore room for more people climate change
as leader of the others were terrible m_g_m_ economic policies and practices our response and more smoothly isn't more what these things now titleist spilling down and woundedwas more
what we need to know ideas more birds they're misleading when he is hold on come up with ideas and amazing processes moving to harvest morning news from younger people who want their ideas and ways for um... earlier this week on wall blatant number newt gingrich run by loving with versity
out and vote there's this great moments for me but i guess who is not be that way and why resulting
everlast sunrooms to remove receivables for six meters highermmom's do our negotiation
and as usual with this guy robert malval your plans we're headed for six years the rulings on thursday
we'll show you assemblies love where i guess is that what we're pretty sure energy systems we also
morons are biological systems are for us in order to believing that climate change would be nice if their way to interest in the spring from hollywood's climate change reverse desertification restored greeted plans improve soils more enhanced biodiversity enjoyed your day i was a very good working for over four years this basically coffers used as a reasonable decision does it matter
blues gospel self-destructive development removal of the law we do is destroyed and this is uh... cheating went well call restorative development those people meeting their needs while repairing the damage lives here now that's that's that's a plan sustained the great plan so i want to asco blueberries please alan activities avenue service plans are associates this is one of the event sponsors resigned
comedian policy innovations for social economic environment progress they uh... working people
tenacious to before restore deeply movies dado grooves painted tripping over to the wages
i first became interested in a row saving because of my desire help reverse global warming he would then have practiced their consumers a little and so i have what it was the key to pulling atmosphere carted out according to some estimates are so low carlos or millionaire present was there all of our own had to be a stare since the industrial revolution this realization running out of two thousand a weapon residence six weeks without his crew and they're learning center that i saw a restoration of the great grassland and so doctors who have benefited from the process it was inspiring gives me hope in trying to describe the man behind this animation i find myself almost at a loss armpit stains from another is higher he grew up in the southern african country of Rhodesia rosenbaum way when bloggers and writers roseanne is unimaginable numbers indecent like a beating heart with the titles with nature he was educated in south out of the university of Nepal getting degrees in biology and bottling usa nearly three years as a research biologist in game rangers british colonial service