I Field release of C. flavipes
A total of about 700,000 adults of C. Pavipes obtained frotn the laboratory production at NBCRC-CRC were
released in two experimental plots at Kampaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom and Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi from March
to November every year from 1995 to 1997. Each plot covered an area of about 180 acres. The number of
adult parasites released was about 1,80O/acre/year. The number of parasites released was more than during
preliminary investigation in 1994 (Suasa-Ard and Charemsom 1995), because preliminary surveys before
releases in 1995 found that the population density of sugarcane moth borers in both locations was higher than
in 1994. The population levels of sugarcane moth borers conlplex and C.flavipes were the criteria for justifying
the intervals and the nunlber of parasites released. The more intervals and the inore released during March to
June, when natural parasite population are generally at low levels, might be beneficial against the sugarcane
moth borers.