The need for low toxicity adjuncts to standard care chemotherapy in inoperable colorectal cancer, with potential to improve outcomes and decrease the side-effect burden, is well recognised. Addition of the low toxicity diet-derived agent, curcumin (the active ingredient of turmeric), to standard oxaliplatin-based therapy has shown promise in numerous pre-clinical studies.
This study is the first to combine daily oral curcumin with standard care FOLFOX-based (5-fluorouracil, folinic acid and oxaliplatin) chemotherapy in colorectal cancer patients with inoperable liver metastases: the CUFOX trial. CUFOX comprises a Phase 1 dose-escalation study (3 + 3 + 3 design) to determine an acceptable target dose of curcumin with which to safely proceed to a Phase IIa open-labelled randomised controlled trial. Thirty three participants with histological or cytological confirmation of inoperable colorectal cancer will then be randomised to oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy with the addition of daily oral curcumin at the target dose determined in Phase I, or to standard care oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy alone (recruiting at a ratio of 2:1)