Let's begin by reviewing some of the cloud services offered by Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure provides a scalable, resilient and accessible cloud environment for Dynamics AX. Some of the highlights are the Azure SQL Database. This is the AX Database hosted in the cloud. We also have Azure VMs, or virtual machines. This can be things like a development box or an AX Application Object Server. We also have the Azure Blob storage which includes virtual machine and file storage in the cloud. And lastly we have Azure Active Directory, also known as AAD. And this feature includes user access management and single sign-on capabilities. Dynamics AX users are imported from an organization's Azure Active Directory which can be connected to an on-premise Active Directory. All right. So I'm here logged into my personal Azure subscription account. Now, there are typically -- your company would probably have some Azure subscriptions that they're paying for and having their environments and virtual machines deployed to and linked to. So here I have my personal account. So I don't have any virtual machines spun up here, but we can see here from the Web site it's portal.azure.com, and this is what we call the new portal, where things are migrating to. It's important to keep in mind there's another one called the old portal, which is at manage.windowsazure.com. So we'll touch a little bit on both of these really quickly. In the new portal here, we have things organized here in the left pane, and we can go ahead and see our virtual machines that we have deployed against our subscription here in addition to our Azure SQL Databases that we may have spun up. But we can always perform an additional SQL Database here by choosing add and going ahead and choosing our pricing tiers if we want any different data in there when it's deployed. So we have those options here as well. The other piece of Azure that's important to talk about in terms of AX is this Active Directory, so AAD. And this is currently best accessible in the old portal as of today. So by going to manage.windowsazure.com, we can log in again with our credentials. And it's just a slightly different format, but this is where the Active Directory is. So we can click it. It's represented by this kind of triangle icon here. And I have an Active Directory, through my company, through Office 365, as well as my personal Active Directory that I created. So when we click into one of these, this is where we can add our users and groups. Now, you have to be to be the Active Directory administrator to do this. So when I go here, I can see I don't have permission to do that. However, if you're the Active Directory administrator for your organization, you can come here and add users by using the add users button and create groups. And we can also manage different domains that we want to associate with our AAD account as well as applications. So we can see here we have created some different -- a Power BI Web application and linked that to a specific instance of AX. So we have different things we can do here in Azure Active Directory. But when we have our list of users from our organization, we can import a Dynamics AX user directly from the Azure Active Directory user list.