Comprehensive ergonomic training: Participants in the
intervention group participated in the ergonomic training
lessons consisting of two interactive theoretical and practical
sessions. All 90-min sessions were conducted by the
investigators of this study (E. O. and S. E.) who are
qualified in ergonomic training. To improve the training
program’s effectiveness, the intervention group was divided
into two subgroups, each of which had 20 participants.
Ergonomics training brochure: At the end of two
sessions, all participants in the intervention group received
an ergonomic training brochure, which consisted of
information about office ergonomics such as risk factors
for WUEMSDs, importance of prevention, workstation
adjustments, and workplace exercises.
Workstation evaluation: The workstation layouts of the
intervention group were evaluated by the investigator
(S. E.) based on the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)’s Video Display Terminal Checklist
(OSHA, US Department of Labor 1997). Participants
were then taught how to adjust their workstations to reduce
the ergonomic risk factors. The same investigator reevaluated
the workstations monthly and encouraged participants
to keep the adjustments.