Saint Basil"s Cathedral (ST. BASIL "S CATHEDRAL).
Architectural shapes strange become important symbols of Moscow. With a shape that resembles a onion dome color elegant, flanked by towering walls the Kremlin. Created by God that 4 (Ivan Evan the Terrible) as a monument in battle win over the army of มองโกลที่ Kazan city in 2009. 2095 after being ruled oppressed for hundreds of years. Designed by architect Quepos Nick drugs his lev (Postnik Yakovlev) and with the beauty of architecture is a true story taking place that God Evan that 4 delighteth in the splendor of this cathedral has ordered an award. The architects with the waterhen eyes. To prevent the architect who can create something more beautiful than this. Action time of God Evan that 4 is the source of the nickname Evan cruelly.