TMS had a moderate effect on organizational benefits. It is a prerequisite for ELS projects
and is essential to sustain a steady development of ELS (Sela & Sivan, 2009; Elliott & Clayton,
2009). Senior managers should display their full support by attending every important
meeting, contributing their opinions to the decision-making process, and arbitrating the
conflicts between divisions. They also need to assure the availability of budgets for updating
hardware and software and for faster Internet connectivity.
The two factors (ISP and ITP) related to policy were proved to significantly impact organizational
benefits intermediated by system quality and system service. This result indicated
the importance of policy establishment toward the success of ELS. ITP refers to the policy
which realizes organizations’ commitments, goals, and values while ISP refers to employees’
behaviors to secure ELS stability and information assets. Both factors create a legal
norm for employees to obey. The legal norm guides employees to make a concerted effort to accomplish the organizational goals. However, ISP was found to have a weak impact on
organizational benefits (see Table 3). Although organizations may suffer from the negative
impact of information security accidents caused by loose control, rigid control may hinder
information flow and knowledge sharing. Most ELS in participant companies may only provide
online courses which cultivate skills for routines and fundamental jobs and may not
contain much critical and confidential information. Thus the result was understandable.
However, when ELS plays a vital role in training employees and supporting business, ISP
may display its gravity.