The total phenolics contents of the different extracts of O. ficus-indica flowers are presented in Table 2. The total phenolics content(TPC) of the extracts, as estimated by the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent method, ranged from 7.5 (Hex extract) to 270.9 mg GAE/g (MeOHextract) for SE and from 14.7 (DCM extract) to 227 mg GAE/g (MeOHextract) for ME. The mean of the total phenolics content of MeOHextract was found to be higher than that of the other extractsfor both extraction methods. This result is in agreement with thereports of Hertog et al. (1993) and Yen et al. (1996) which provedthat methanol is the most suitable solvent for extraction of phe-nolic compounds. Similar results for the O. ficus-indica f. inermisflowers reported the presence of TPC (159.76 mg GAE/g of extract)and yielded 23.64% (Alimi et al., 2011). Opuntia flowers containedrich amount of polyphenols comparing to Alpinia zerumbet and Dil-lenia suffruticosa flowers (Armania et al., 2013; Elzaawely et al.,2007). But also many investigations showed higher TPC in flow-ers, compared to Opuntia flowers