Whenever we look at successful people, we call them 'lucky'. But is it just a chance, a good fortune? If yes, then how do people get repeated successes? If I were to say that luck is important too, then I would define luck as a confluence of perseverance, prospects and preference. Opportunities present themselves every day to every person. But only a person who recognizes them and seizes them without delay, gets to convert these opportunities to their preferred outcomes. And we very comfortably tag them 'lucky'. However, a close look reveals that only those people who persevere to look for prospective opportunities to exploit become lucky.but this is no rocket science! Still why most of the ordinary folks are not able to do so? Why?
On the other hand,It has the most people who don't believe in luck. Malcolm Gladwell argues in his book, Outliers, that if someone spends 10,000 hours towards any activity, then he can become a world-class expert in it. Or in other words, 10,000 hours of hard work is required to be extremely successful. And I am sure he is correct. No success is achieved without hard work or sweat. Even the child prodigies became world-class experts in their fields, only after working at it for a long time.