In taxonomy or classification of animals or plants, some disagreements among experts often exist. However when it comes to classification of
Hominidae, they only have few disagreements. They generally agree that Hominidae, often known as the Great Apes, are classified into
Orangutan, Gorilla, Pan and Homo. Bornean orangutan and Sumatran orangutan are the only two types of Orangutan. They both are
endangered species. Gorilla is divided into western gorilla and eastern gorilla, both of which live in Africa. Western gorilla is further
categorized into two subspecies: G.g. gorilla and G.g. diehli. Like gorilla, chimpanzees are also found only in Africa. They are divided into
two different types: the common chimpanzee and bonobo. Finally, it is us homo sapiens, the only Homo species that still walk the planet.
There used to be several different species of Homo, but they all, except Homo sapiens or us, became extinct. Homo erectus and Neanderthals
are examples of other Homo species. Homo erectus disappeared from the planet around 143,000 years ago and Neanderthals around 40,000
years ago.
Instructions: Use the information from the chart to write TWO classification sentences. (2%)
1) _________________________________________________________________________________________________
(The Great Apes)
Orangutan Gorilla Pan
G.g. gorilla G.g. diehli
common bonobo
homo sapiens Homo erectus Neanderthals
In taxonomy or classification of animals or plants, some disagreements among experts often exist. However when it comes to classification of Hominidae, they only have few disagreements. They generally agree that Hominidae, often known as the Great Apes, are classified into Orangutan, Gorilla, Pan and Homo. Bornean orangutan and Sumatran orangutan are the only two types of Orangutan. They both are endangered species. Gorilla is divided into western gorilla and eastern gorilla, both of which live in Africa. Western gorilla is further categorized into two subspecies: G.g. gorilla and G.g. diehli. Like gorilla, chimpanzees are also found only in Africa. They are divided into two different types: the common chimpanzee and bonobo. Finally, it is us homo sapiens, the only Homo species that still walk the planet. There used to be several different species of Homo, but they all, except Homo sapiens or us, became extinct. Homo erectus and Neanderthalsare examples of other Homo species. Homo erectus disappeared from the planet around 143,000 years ago and Neanderthals around 40,000 years ago.Instructions: Use the information from the chart to write TWO classification sentences. (2%)GENERAL SPECIFIC1) _________________________________________________________________________________________________Hominnidae(The Great Apes)Orangutan Gorilla PanHomoBornean orangutanSumatran orangutanEastern GorillaWestern GorillaG.g. gorilla G.g. diehlicommon bonobochimpanzeehomo sapiens Homo erectus Neanderthals
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