you haven't yet talked to him so you don't know what he thinks or feels.
(you just sit in your corner and imagine this and that..)
Maybe he just feels gulity that he did that, taking advantage of you.
Maybe he thinks he has ruined your both relationship.
He might want to come to you to apologize, to say he 's sorry..
nothing more because you two are not lovers.
It's just one night stand and lots of drink.
Can you take that?
I don't think guys these days will come and beg for girl to marry him after
one night whole-in-one?
That's only in the evening TV movie.
Ask yourself clearly what you want to do now?
Why do you feel sorry for him?-->แต่ตอนนี้ก็สงสารเค้า
He has nothing to loose. He won't be the one who might get pregnant.