The Best-in-Class Approach
Only the top ranked companies in terms of Corporate Sustainability within each industry are selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index family. No industries are excluded from this process.
Why best-in-class? Because industry-specific sustainability opportunities and risks can play a key role in companies' long-term success. Aside from the selection of the sustainability leaders on the basis of clearly defined criteria, the best-in-class approach also provides RobecoSAM with the opportunity to conduct a dialogue with companies from all industries and thereby influence incremental improvements in companies' sustainability practices. Thanks to the best-in-class approach, a vibrant competition among companies for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices has ensued. To be included or remain in the index, companies have to continually intensify their sustainability initiatives. RobecoSAM believes this approach will benefit all stakeholders: investors, employees, customers and, ultimately, society and the environment.